What to expect in an RTT® session

RTT® session process:

  • Free consultation/discovery call. It is a free 20-30 minute call, to ensure compatibility between patient/client and therapist, and a basic understanding of what your presenting problem is. I will then be able to advise which session is best suited to your needs, or which package.

  • Intake call, up to 1 hour, included in the first session fee. This is a discussion around how the issue impacts you in your life, what results and outcomes you'd like to achieve.

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy® session, aka where the Marisa Peer magic happens... We revisit your intake form to ensure all is still your presenting problem, and the relaxation and the root cause work starts.

In the session itself, I use a rapid induction, deepeners, we review –but do not relive- scenes from the past, to enable us to find the root cause, then I select the best suited tools, out of the numerous different RTT® tools, specifically designed to help every situation.

I then reframe and do a transformation for you that is completely individually written for you.

After the session, I send you the totally individual and personal transformation, which you need to listen to for 21 days minimum, at least once a day, as it fixes the new unfamiliar in your mind, and keeps what was your "bad and damaging" familiar out.

This is how long it takes to the mind to adopt a new concept and make it permanent.

Please note that your recording is up to 40% of your permanent overall success, the session being 60% upwards.

You can keep listening to it forever, as it is your own, or until the next recording if you need a second/third or you have other presenting problems you would like to address.

This recording helps you go into self-hypnosis too, another benefit you keep forever.

All the preparation for your session, the intake and its review, your RTT® session, your bespoke recording and a minimum of 2 follow up calls are included in the fee.

Fees for a first session are £400 for a standard length session, this included your intake, all prep, intake review, full session, recording, and 2 x 20 minute follow up appointments.

Extended sessions are offered, depending on your needs. Different packages are available.

Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss your needs.